Brandon Vick, Republican

Candidate for: Washington State Representative – 18th Legislative District – Position 1.  Incumbent from 2013.
Campaign website: Estimated early 30s. 

Summary Analysis: Brandon Vick is an established politician with a track record of reasonably conservative voting.  He is reasonable independent notwithstanding his many special interest donors.  Of concern is his limited life experience — which is valuable to navigate political matters.   Brandon Vick has a 79% composite score.  See details about score in the composite score matrix.

Campaign manager and team: Apparently self-run with volunteers.

Brandon Vick
Brandon Vick

Education – higher: AA from Clark College.

Relevant work experience: Four years in the state legislature and small business owner.

Organizations and community involvement: Eagle Scout and Habitat for Humanity.

Donation analysis: Brandon Vick’s donations are substantially from Washington businesses and Industry Groups who donate large amounts to incumbents with the implied expectation that the donor’s ‘special interests’ will be heard and respected.  Members of this group are not typically ideological, but driven by self-interest.  Donations are considered substantial considering Mr. Vick has no serious competition in his political race.    How to review donations.

Time in area: Entire life.

Background for candidate: The following links have been chosen as they contain background information readers may find useful.

Candidate campaign website Campaign website
Business and Financial Services Committee, ranking minority member Ballot pedia
Business and government background Linkedin
Pro-business and ability to get things done Legislative website
You tube interview showing speaking skills YouTube
Legislative Insight website showing accomplishments Legislative insight
CVTV – Election 2016: Primary Video Voters’ Guide (07-07-16) (in interface scroll down and click the candidate’s name) CVTV



Original analysis: July 2016.  Updated: October 2016.

Produced by  LLC  2016