Leadership and Team-Building Skills: Can be respected and trusted.
Leadership Traits that are valued and assessed considering the following:
- Motivated – desire to lead others, often because of the development of a clear vision of where the company or organisation should be. It is very firmly not about the desire for power in itself
- Drive – encompass the concepts of having a record of achievement, being strongly motivated and ambitious, having energy and tenacity, and being able to take the initiative
- Honesty and integrity – presenting an honest picture of him/herself so that followers will respect him/her
- Self-Confidence – associated with emotional stability
- Cognitive ability – associated with intelligence
- Knowledge of the Issues – essential for credibility, but could also be effective at disruptive innovation.
5 = Excellent long term, relevant, and defensible leadership skills.
4 = Above average long term, relevant, and defensible leadership skills.
3 = Reasonable leadership skills or a new candidate with a apparently reasonable or better leadership skills.
2 = Below average known leadership skills or a new candidate with questionable leadership skills
1 = Known poor leadership skills that is established.
0 = Not used.