Special Interest Collusion: The evaluation process values candidates that are unafraid to root out and confront “special interests” that don’t align with citizen’s interest. These candidates should be strong, resolute, and not corruptible. The candidates given high scores on this criterion will have a track record in politics and private sector of pushing back on these ubiquitous problems. Lacking this, we want to just see there is no material history of collusion with establishment politicians to score the candidate with a favorable score. This push back to special interest collusion does not intend to dismiss respectful interaction with known special interest entities or complicit politicians — or pragmatic decisions that must be made in many cases.

5 = Excellent and defensible background based on the definition above.
4 = Above average and defensible background based on the definition above.
3 = Reasonable and defensible background based on the definition above.
2 = Known below average background based on the definition above.
1 = Known poor background based on the definition above.
0 = This value not used.