Candidate for: 17th District State Representative – Position 2 Candidate for this position has run in the 17th district twice before — as a candidate for state Senate in 17th District in 2008 and for a state Representative position in 2010.
Campaign website: Age: 55
Summary Analysis: Martin Hash is another candidate that leads with his disgust for the political establishment. In the review of his campaign videos on various issues his intellect and objectivity comes through in most situations. He speaks like a conservative in many ways so his affiliation with the Democrat party, and donations to Democrat politicians, that work counter to much of his stated beliefs is an unexplained conflict. Mr. Hash puts significant effort into his messaging and it seems he would put more effort into helping people hear the messages–than what was detected by our evaluation. Martin Hash has a 56% composite score. See details about score in the composite score matrix.
Campaign manager and team: Apparently self-run with volunteers.

Education – higher: Martin Hash’s impressive educational credentials include a law degree, a Ph.D. in engineering, a master’s degree in computer science and an MBA. Mr. Hash may be the most highly educated person the team has evaluated.
Relevant work experience: He’s a patent agent and a general contractor and has developed computer animation software. Many other private sector endeavors over his working career we mentioned or alluded to in public information.
Organizations and community involvement: No public information determined and none noted in the County Ballot Statement.
Donation analysis: Martin Hash does not take donations and does not appear to be investing much of his personal financial resources in the campaign. Therefore his campaign is weak financially, and will not have the resources to run the necessary promotion needed to win. How to review donations.
Time in area: Over 30 years.
Background for candidate: The following links have been chosen as they contain background information readers may find useful.
Candidate personal website – may double as the campaign website. | Candidate website | |
Facebook personal page | | |
Linked in profile | Linked in | |
Columbian article announcing candidates | The Columbian | |
Columbian article. | The Columbian | |
Opinions on Columbia River Bridge. | YouTube | |
Video introduction | YouTube | |
Election 2010: Primary Election Video Voters Guide (07-23-10) | CVTV | |
CVTV – Election 2016: Primary Video Voters’ Guide (07-07-16) (in interface scroll down and click the candidate’s name) | CVTV | |
Original analysis: July 2016 Updated: October 2016.
Produced by LLC 2016