Candidate for: State Representative – 17th District, Position 2 New candidate for this position.
Campaign website: Age: 40.
Summary Analysis: Richard Colwell is clearly running as a protest to the current candidate and current political establishment. His ballot statement is: Ballot Statement: The political system- rigged. Government- a disaster. American ideals- ravaged. Washington DC and Olympia- brothels for banksters, bureaucrats and bandits. Two-faced politicians and morally bankrupt judges obliterate human rights, civil rights, the Bill of Rights. Each election- more bureaucracy, more taxation, more corruption. We must organize now to eradicate unjust governmental powers and seize back what they’ve plundered: our rights to our lives, liberty, and property. Are you finally ready to do something that matters? Disrupt. Their. System. Vote for me. Organize with me. Email Me Now. We’ll launch a resistance that cannot be ignored. Contact Me Now!. Richard Colwell has a 61% composite score. See details about score in the composite score matrix.
Campaign manager and team: Apparently self run with volunteers

Education – higher: Mt. Hood Community College, Aviation Clark Community College
Relevant work experience: None observed with current work history. However Richard Colwell’s experience in issues that a state legislator would deal with, and the status of state government, have been strengthen from four or more years of conservative activism in Clark County.
Organizations and community involvement: Treasurer, Oregon Grotto, local chapter of National Speleological Society; 2016. Chairman, Oregon Grotto; 2015. Advisor, Explorer Post 58, youth rock climbing and mountaineering organization; 2008 to present.
Donation analysis: Candidate Colwell’s financial resources to run any serious campaign to unseat the incumbent Republican are poor. However as noted in other criteria, it appears a key mission in his campaign is to further highlight tte pervasive corruption in Washington State politics and increase the level of information for the voters to become more aware of this point of view. How to review donations.
Time in area: 29 years
Background for candidate: The following links have been chosen as they contain background information readers may find useful.
Campaign website | Candidate | |
Campaign facebook page. | | |
Harris and Colwell Columbian interview | The Columbian | |
Columbian Article on ‘Rigged System’ | The Columbian | |
CVTV – Election 2016: Primary Video Voters’ Guide (07-07-16) (in interface scroll down and click the candidate’s name) | CVTV | |
Original analysis: July 2016 Updated: None.
Produced by LLC 2016