Candidate for: Washington State Senate – 17th Legislative District. New candidate for this position.
Campaign website: Age: Estimated late 40s.
Summary Analysis: Tim Probst is a reasonably established politician based on serving in the Washington State legislature about five years ago and running for office a number of time — all in the 17th legislative district. Tim Probst is a liberal as demonstrated by his policy and voting history and his big-government and left-of-center donors. It is predictable he will continue the current status of big, inefficient, and often corrupt government in the State of Washington. Tim Probst has a 57% composite score. See details about score in the composite score matrix.
Campaign manager and team: Campaign manager – Nick Ande
Education – higher: University of Notre Dame, graduating with a degree in government and international relations
Relevant work experience: Probst most relevant experience was his time in the state legislature as a state representative from the 17th district. He has worked in workforce development for 18 years, helping companies grow and helping people find jobs. He is currently Director of Workforce Development Strategic Initiatives for the Employment Security Department. It is not clear how his non-legislature work experience is helpful for making an effective legislature as our process seeks private sector experience of increasing responsibility.
Organizations and community involvement: None detected from public information reviewed.
Donation analysis: Tim Probst’s donations are substantially from entities typically sympathetic to big government, such as unions and other organizations that invest in establishment government. These entities tend to be driven by ideology and self-interest and usually support liberal candidates with a track record of protecting and perpetuating the big-government cabal. Also many Clark County left of center establishment individuals as seen as donors. Donations are considered reasonable relative to amounts needed be competitive in this particular political race. How to review donations.
Time in area: Since 1998.
Background for candidate: The following links have been chosen as they contain background information readers may find useful.
Campaign website | Candidate | |
Candidate Facebook page | | |
SWWA Central Labor Council endorses | SWWACLC website | |
Attended Politics and Economics of the EU, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria | VoteSmart website | |
PDC ruled Probst guilty of violating election law | WA GOP | |
OK speaker, not great on House floor for his sponsored bill. | YouTube | |
Tim Probst Primary Night Interview 2012 | YouTube | |
Article on Probst running | The Columbian | |
Professional profile | Linked in | |
CVTV – Election 2016: Primary Video Voters’ Guide (07-07-16) (in interface scroll down and click the candidate’s name) | CVTV | |
Original analysis: July 2016 Updated: October 2016.
Produced by LLC 2016