Candidate for: State Representative – Legislative District 17, Position 1. New candidate for this position.
Campaign website: Age: Estimated late 40s.
Summary Analysis: Vicki Kraft appears to be the near optimal candidate relative to the criteria valued in this candidate analysis process. These criteria of appropriate life experience, resistance to special-interests, ability to work with others, and gut-level awareness of the problems with big and bureaucratic state government. Vicki Kraft has a 80% composite score. See details about score in the composite score matrix.
Campaign manager and team: Connie Jo Freeman, former Washougal City Councilwoman.

Education – higher: Michigan State University with a B.A. in Advertising.
Relevant work experience: Vicki Kraft is the Advancement Director, Southwest Washington for the Freedom Foundation based in Olympia, WA. The mission of the Freedom Foundation is to advance individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited, accountable government.
Prior to joining the Freedom Foundation, Kraft worked as a Senior/Account Executive for major companies including Dell, Pillsbury and Frigidaire as well as small businesses.
During the past ten years, while in the private sector she worked with K-12 school districts across the state, along with the State of Washington government agencies in Olympia. Through this experience Kraft realized the importance of improving the government culture to utilize taxpayer money more efficiently and serve the citizens more effectively.
Previously, she served as a non-profit consultant helping organizations secure funding to further their mission. In this capacity, she lived in Washington D.C. and worked with Federal government agencies including George W. Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative Office.
Organizations and community involvement: Vicki Kraft’s community involvement includes being Vice Chairman of the Cobblestone HOA, a Member of the Greater Vancouver Chamber, Steering Committee Member for the Vancouver Library’s – Forum @ the Library, Boys and Girls Club, Veterans Community Garden, and Vancouver Church of God.
Donation analysis: Vicki Kraft’s donations are substantially from people known to be right-of-center and many known conservatives who are involved in local politics. These donors generally have strong insight about where the specific politician loyalties are, or will be. These people typically make donations based on this knowledge with little to no special interest favors expected. Donations are considered strong relative to amounts needed be competitive in this particular political race in the primary election. How to review donations.
Time in area: Since 2007
Background for candidate: The following links have been chosen as they contain background information readers may find useful.
Candidate website | Candidate | |
Linked in | Linked-in | |
Washington House Republican Organizational Committee | HROC | |
Educator believes Vicki Kraft best choice for state representative | The Reflector | |
Republican announces her candidacy to replace Wilson in House | The Columbian | |
Vicki Kraft announces candidacy for 17th Legislative District | Daily Insider | |
Freedom Foundation Profile | Freedom Foundation | |
Campaign Facebook page | | |
Columbian editorial board | The Columbian | |
CVTV – Election 2016: Primary Video Voters’ Guide (07-07-16) (in interface scroll down and click the candidate’s name) | CVTV | |
Original analysis: July 2016 Updated: October 2016.
Produced by LLC 2016